Mick G

Help me take on the World's Coolest Readathon!

Help me support the mental health of Australian Heroes

Hello there,
I hope this finds you well, and enjoying life.
Thanks for checking out my page.
I am participating in The World's Coolest Readathon by reading 5 books in 30 days between the 1st and 30th of September!

All money raised goes toward the mental health charity 'Brothers and Books', whose programs support our Australian Defence Force soldiers, Veterans and emergency services. 

Please help me reach my fundraising goal! Sign up yourself to read some great books and support a brilliant cause!

Best Regards, 

Mick G 

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Taking on the World's Coolest Readathon

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Reached Free T-Shirt Status

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

$2,000 Raised

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Week 2, Book 2 - Some Reflections on Meditations & Reading - By Michael J Greathead

Sunday 15th Sep

WEEK 2, BOOK 2. Reflections & Reading.  AD_4nXf8rCk1zmwTRC7Ofqw2rhK5uE4SeGlpQbWuKmMdKX-pfjGBES-MXV90Q7wJn8PBVnID9Zj_sDPJ2m1JFGHLT8ciepVy80ODJKNl9XEFNWzT5-8oayuHnKyvt9eDAOWLDopWrBsrJQsuw_1V9QoPPLTUV4HE?key=rofrRjdfdp7GXGGIxb0ojA

Thou hast had enough of thine old english-ling - oh thou Art. Thy joke, it is alright, yet can be a tad frustrating at times. In past times I would never have posted this, thanks to paralyzing perfectionism, which I still deny I have. It doesn’t have to be perfect anymore, and this rambling of words is more intended for my sponsors - as a thankyou, and to provide some insight, yet also for me - to begin to write again, as I have begun to read again. Hence we begin: 

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It is a compilation of books, of thoughts, of lessons, journalling, reflections. As such it is quite breathtaking-ly personal, insightful, and thought provoking.

Alas, let me digress. It has been a beautiful, awakening, yet hard read. Why, well the catalyst rests with thyself, and a lack of energy post work... Reading I have found is not really that easy. Well, it is simple, in the act, the deed of picking up the book and physically reading. Yet difficult in finding, making the time, prioritizing, re-training the mind, the eye, of the discipline, and the freedom of reading.  I find it requires a certain amount of energy, mental, and physical, and after the work day, I find little energy to do much at all.

We should not take for granted our language, literacy. The trained gift, and ability of reading, writing, comprehending knowledge, and words on a page.
The little things, often truly are the greatest gifts, yet can be so often forgotten that it should not be taken for granted. 

There are many striking, powerful, poignant points in Meditations. Yet there are also many beautiful, poetically expressed works.
It is a very different type of read to that of the thriller style fiction narrative, Savage Son by Jack Carr. In ancient english - archaic dialectic form of tongue -thou, art, thy, thee, thine … shakespeare-ian old English - one can often be lost in translation. It is an important, and influential piece of work that has impacted millions of people around the world.

There is so much to unpack from meditations, and that is not the purpose of my writings today. Although I do want to dwell, and highlight one of the many quotable quotes from Aurelius.

‘No retreat offers someone more quiet or more freedom from trouble. Does a man retire into his own soul and/or more quiet and relaxation than that into his own mind.’

There are a few various translations but nonetheless, thou hast understood the significance and wisdom of this reflection from Marcus Aurelius.

Often we try, I try to escape externally through vacation, through procrastination, avoidance, escapism - of our own problems. So often we see retreat in the wilderness, in nature, to the mountains or the beach - yet what we truly seek is that inner peace, that orderly mind, the calm and serenity of our soul. Only a solitude, and soul-itude known to God and thyself can we find within our own soul.

So what then of those who are a troubled soul, of anxious storm clouded mind? Well, we must strive to look within, internally - to the answers that we seek. The problems and issues that arise from our own mind, are also part of the Soul-ution. If we can grasp control of our own mind, and realize the power that lies within us - we can change. We can eventually retreat inwardly - and find peace of mind, peace of body, peace of soul.

‘Constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself.’ 



Sunday 8th Sep



At first, I struggled to put down my phone, to pull my eyes away from the screen, from the social media scroll. I struggled to find the desire to pick up the book and start reading. Just get started. As with many things in life, it’s best just to get started, and get motivated by doing - in this case by reading. Lights dimmed, at 2100 on Sunday 01 Sept 2024 I began to read again. 

I only managed to read maybe 25 pages, but it was a start. I slept slightly better that night, less interrupted, less agitated, and with a better quality of sleep.

Night two, and three and four the same night routine, sometimes reading earlier if i could, around 2030pm. I started beginning to get excited to read, to immerse myself into the book, into the adventure that unfolded. I read, and fully lost myself into the flow state of reading a good book, the story-telling capturing all my senses, and imagination, distracting my mental anguish, anxiety, and never ending ticking mind. Again, I slept well those nights. Grateful to undertake this challenge, and fundraiser for a great cause, and Brothers & Books, as part of The World’s Coolest Readathon (#TWCR) challenge. 

Friday afternoon. Thank God the week was over, and the weekend was here. Another week survived. Had a cold shower, got changed, had a bite to eat, and a glass of water, crashed onto my bed, and began to read. I read, and read, and read, and read. This time until 2330pm - damn time flies when you are having fun, again I had fallen into a flow state that I hadn’t encountered in a while - this time through reading a good book! Time for bed.

Saturday - Most of the day I continued to read, - on a mission to complete this book, yet also enjoying reading. I finished the book at about 1500 (3pm). Not a bad effort. From not reading at all, for quite a while, to reading a book (400+) pages in 7 days - I was very pleased, and surprised myself that I could do that. That it was possible, with working a full-time job, finding/making the time to read, and also training my mind to read. Of course, the added incentive of being part of a community of readers as part of TWCR and Brothers and Books helped. And having sponsors who generously supported me, also aided in my motivation to read. The challenge of reading 5 books in 30 days as well, dictated in a way - that reading was now a priority in my life, a new daily/nightly habit, and part of my wind-down and night routine.

There were many positive habits building, and changes that I noticed in my own mental health from reading. I also began to sleep better. I had another hobby, and another activity to look forward to - reading. I had another mission, another purpose, a reason to read. Through reading, I am leading myself to better health, and also promoting bibliotherapy and raising important funds for Brothers and Books and the good work they do.

Thanks for all your support.
- Love MG

Paulatim or polus per polus (little by Little).

Thank you to my Sponsors



Keep on buddy. Reading is awesome and great for our minds!


Luke Greathead


Madonna Sharp

Love reading & love a positive cause - so good combo Mick . Enjoy the many adventures your books will take you on 😊


Michael Greathead


Michael Greathead



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Read 5 Books in 30 Days between 01 - 30 Sep 2024!

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Take on our challenges to win great prizes!

Share what you are reading with #TWCR!

Follow the socials to keep up to date with the challenge!

Have fun and take photos of your team and books!

Take on the challenges

Each challenge runs over a certain time period. To enter a challenge simply upload your entry/photo to social media, tag @brothersnbooks and use the hashtag #TWCR. Check out all the challenges and prizes below.

Challenge One:

01 - 05 September

Take the best photo of your five books. Get creative and have fun. 

Prize: Gym supplements prize pack from Get Some Au!

Challenge Two:

06 - 10 September

Take the best photo of you in your World's Coolest Readathon shirt!

Prize: A fishing tackle package from Davo's Tackle!

Challenge Three:

11 - 15 September

Upload your favourite meme related to books or reading. Create your own or share a classic!

Prize: A merchandise pack from The Pineapple Express!

Challenge Four:

16 - 20 September

Submit a photo of a coffee and a book to win our coffee prize!

Prize: A coffee pack from Two 14 Coffee

Challenge Five:

21 - 25 September

Cement yourself as the highest individual fundraiser by this point and win a Kindle!

Prize: New Amazon Kindle thanks to Brothers and Books

Challenge Six:

26 - 30 September

Rally your team and raise the most amount of money for charity.

Prize: A community library for your workplace - thanks to Brothers and Books!