Queensland University Regiment

Help me take on the World's Coolest Readathon!

Help us support the mental health of Australian Heroes

The members of Queensland University Regiment are taking on The World's Coolest Readathon where members will be reading 5 books in 30 days between the 1st and 30th of September!

All money goes toward the mental health charity Brothers and Books who's programs support our ADF, Veterans and emergency services. 

Please help us reach our fundraising goal and feel free to sign up, read some great books and support a brilliant cause!

Our Achievements

Made a Reading Team

Updated your Reading Team profile picture

Received 10 Donations

Reached Fundraising Target

Add a photo of your reading team

$10,000 Raised

Thank you to our Sponsors



Go Scott. Well done buddy for raising money for this great cause.


Esmeralda Booyens


Karen Shipp

Again, nice job supporting the adf community


Leoni Deering


Kamala Harris

Sending a little donation your way because it’s time to lift people up and spread the love! Let’s put the 'fun' in fundraising and the 'unity' in community!


Sam Alsop


Frannkie Dee

Very good cause


Monty Clowes

Thanks for being my personal hero


Reinhardt Moller

Well done! It’s such a good cause.


Reinhardt Moller

Well done! It’s a great cause!


Mickey Everett

Good Job Digger!!


Nic Hawkins




David Nichols

Great cause 👌




President Donald Trump

Brook, I know you read books, many books. Great books with many, may words. Big words, beautiful words. So many letters. And the covers, don't get me started on the covers, so many covers on your beautiful wooden bookshelf. Call me.


Lisa Alsop

Well done Sammy!

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